Though Catholic rehab programs may largely mirror other types of addiction treatment programs, you’ll encounter some differences in certain aspects.
Inpatient or Residential Treatment
These should align with standard care plans, though there will probably be more faith-based parts, like services, prayers, and spiritual guidance. You should still receive medical care from qualified medical professionals, including medication-assisted treatment (MAT).
Chapel, Prayer, and Worship
Elements of Catholic faith practices like mass, confession, prayers, rosary, and novenas and sacraments like communion may all be a part of Catholic rehab.
Mass may be in English or Latin, depending on the preferences of those planning the worship.
Gender-Based Care
Catholic rehabs may separate men from women, so if you want a co-ed recovery experience, you might want to consider alternative rehab program options. Some Catholic rehab programs are only open to one gender.
Catholic Fellowship
During treatment, you may be around priests, nuns, friars, and volunteers who are all Catholic. As you progress in recovery, you may become part of a Catholic church and community.
Know that drinking wine is a traditional part of communion in many Catholic churches, even for adolescents. Still, they may offer grape juice as a non-alcoholic alternative, especially if they know of a recovering addict in the congregation.
Outpatient Treatment
Catholic rehab facilities may offer outpatient treatment. The Catholic Church has also established social rehabilitation centers, which can be effective but must be accredited.
Studies consider the faith-based components of social rehab centers to contribute heavily to their success.
Counseling and Therapy
Counseling and therapy through a Catholic rehab program may involve a priest who will approach mental health treatment with a mind to spirituality and discussions of:
- Addiction as a sin
- How you confess and atone for it
- How you move forward even when tempted
The Catholic Church has advocated the importance of behavioral health treatment as part of the overall healthcare approach, seeking to encourage holistic treatment.
Some Catholic clergy have received additional training and education in dealing with behavioral health for those in recovery.
Catholic rehab programs may use a social detoxification process rather than a medical one, depending on what you’re addicted to and how severely. Make sure that the treatment center is fully accredited for such treatments.
If you require a medical drug or alcohol detox, you may find a Catholic rehab that offers it as part of its treatment services.
Support Groups
Some Catholic rehab programs offer support groups specific to their religious beliefs. Others may modify existing support group styles to better align with Catholic faith practices.
While they aren’t specifically Catholic, many Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) groups meet in Catholic churches around the country. As group therapy can be very beneficial in the recovery process, it should be a part of your treatment plan.