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Published: August 3, 2023
Meth addiction is an issue that affects countless people across the country. It can have an immense impact on many different areas of your life, as well as the lives of the people around you.
Thankfully, drug addiction rehab is an effective way to address methamphetamine addiction and is often tailored to your specific needs.
If you need information on meth addiction rehab programs, learn here about:
Meth addiction treatment is a type of professional care that can help treat an addiction and prevent relapse. Meth rehab can vary quite a bit based on the type of addiction treatment program you enroll in.
Meth rehab programs can involve both inpatient treatment or outpatient treatment like partial hospitalization programs.
Some common types of effective treatment for meth include detoxification, Matrix model therapy, behavioral therapy, addiction counseling, and support groups.
Meth detox, or detoxification, is a kind of care that helps the body remove drugs from it.
Essentially, medical detox helps you manage withdrawal symptoms caused by a chemical dependency on meth while getting any remaining meth out of the body.
There are many moving parts involved in detox. Depending on if you abuse other drugs, such as opioids, sometimes naloxone will be administered first. Naloxone is a drug that reverses drug overdose.
Detox also includes other kinds of health care such as monitoring the individual’s vitals, administering fluids, and medication management to help your body safely detox and decrease withdrawal symptoms.
Medications you may receive during detox can include:
The Matrix Model is an outpatient behavioral treatment model that utilizes multiple treatment approaches over the course of 16 weeks to help people overcome addiction.
It is an evidence-based treatment approach that combines cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), family therapy, group therapy, social support, family education, urine and breath testing, and more.
The model was originally developed as a response to increasing cocaine use in the 1980s, and has been found to be particularly effective in people who use meth, as it is another stimulant.
By focusing on behavior changes, the model is a non-confrontational treatment plan that approaches the issue of addiction from several angles.
Behavioral therapy is a kind of addiction treatment that focuses on changing the individual’s behavioral health to help them overcome addiction.
There are two main kinds of behavioral therapy, CBT and dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT). They are typically individual therapy sessions.
CBT is a goal-oriented kind of talk therapy. You and your therapist will talk about your thoughts and your emotions to analyze how they affect your actions. CBT is particularly effective for mental health disorders.
On the other hand, DBT is another kind of talk therapy based on CBT. DBT is different in that the core idea is to help the individual accept their life and behaviors while learning how to change them to help address co-occurring disorders and substance abuse.
Addiction counseling is a type of counseling that helps individuals understand triggers and coping mechanisms related to their addiction. Counseling can help people form healthier coping mechanisms and prevent relapse.
It can be difficult to understand what can cause addiction, which is why addiction counseling can be beneficial in helping individuals work through substance abuse and learn how to break the cycle.
Addiction counseling may also involve setting goals, practicing new behaviors, and learning new coping skills to use after addiction treatment is complete.
Recovery support groups are another type of treatment commonly offered to people who use methamphetamine. Support groups are groups of people who are also receiving or have received addiction treatment.
Support groups are often offered during substance abuse treatment, but are also often offered as an aftercare service.
The idea is for individuals to talk about the struggles of the recovery process and meth withdrawal, successes, strategies, and more with people who are going through the same thing.
Support groups can help you feel less isolated or alone in your addiction recovery journey and create a sense of accountability that decreases the chance of relapse.
Meth rehab can last for different lengths of time from person to person, as it is dependent on various factors.
Common treatment program lengths include 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, up to six months, one year, or in some cases, longer if needed.
Short-term treatment programs are offered by most rehabilitation facilities, while longer programs may be less common. Some people spend part of their treatment length in inpatient care, such as detox services, and complete the rest in an outpatient program.
The length of treatment you need may depend on:
After you’ve completed meth rehabilitation, it can be difficult to know what to do next or how to transition back to your life before treatment.
The good news is, there are many extended care or aftercare resources that can help ease your transition and help you maintain your sobriety.
Some popular options after meth rehab include Crystal Meth Anonymous, sober living, and continuing care. Learn more about each kind of long-term recovery service below.
Crystal Meth Anonymous is a twelve-step program offered for people who abuse methamphetamine.
Similar to support groups, Crystal Meth Anonymous is a group of people who struggle with the same issue.
During group meetings, members can share their experiences, stories, struggles, hope, and more. These groups can help foster a sense of community and encourage staying sober.
Crystal Meth Anonymous has local chapters across the country, so you can find a group in your city.
Sober living residences are another option you may consider after completing addiction treatment. Sober living facilities are extended housing options for people recovering from meth addiction.
As the name suggests, these facilities are sober, so no one you’ll be sharing the space with will be using any kind of substance.
This can help you avoid relapse and give you a sense of community. With other people going through the same thing you are, it can be easier to maintain sobriety as you can lean on your housemates for support.
Sober living is a great way to transition from residential care to living on your own or with family members again.
Continuing care is a broad term to describe other services offered after you go through addiction rehabilitation. Some common options can include counseling sessions, group therapy, sober support groups, and even sober support apps.
Counseling sessions can be conducted one-on-one with a therapist to help you address any challenges you face after addiction treatment. Similarly, group therapy can help you navigate these issues alongside peers.
Sober support groups and apps are other great options that can help you interact with similar people and provide an additional pillar of support through your recovery journey.
There are several tactics you can take to help prevent relapse after receiving meth addiction treatment.
Here are some prevention methods and tips:
These are just general prevention methods and tips you can use as you transition out of treatment, however, you can tailor your relapse prevention tactics to your individual needs.
Having people to rely on and confide in can be one of the most helpful steps toward preventing relapse, so be sure to build a community.
The cost of meth rehab can vary based on the length of the program you choose, the kind of care you receive, your insurance, and the treatment center you attend.
That being said, there are still some average costs and estimates you can refer to when considering methamphetamine abuse treatment.
Average rehab costs:
Again, there are countless factors that can affect the cost of meth addiction treatment, but these numbers may give you an idea of what to expect.
No, unfortunately rehab, as well as any other type of treatment, cannot cure any type of addiction. This is the case with meth addiction as well.
While rehab won’t cure meth addiction, it can help you or your loved one manage the symptoms of your substance use disorder and prevent relapse after treatment.
Going through a treatment program can help you learn and obtain skills that aid you in living a life without addiction taking over. Though it is challenging, it’s possible to stay in recovery.
It can be difficult to identify if you or someone you know may need to look into entering a meth rehab program.
Anyone with meth abuse issues (any use), meth addiction (mental reliance), or meth dependence (physical reliance) needs meth rehab.
Signs to look out for that may point to these issues are addiction or dependency symptoms as well as withdrawal symptoms from the effects of meth.
Addiction/dependency symptoms may include:
Withdrawal symptoms can include:
There are endless benefits of addiction treatment for methamphetamine. Aside from helping you manage your addiction, drug rehab can benefit many areas of your life.
Meth rehab benefits may include:
There are plenty of places where you may find meth rehab programs. This may include local clinics, major hospitals, VA centers, medical centers, and other local resources such as bulletin boards or by word-of-mouth.
Be sure to look for well-accredited facilities, as these options will provide the most high-quality, effective treatment options.
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Treatment Locator is a confidential, anonymous resource that can help you find meth abuse treatment centers in any part of the U.S. You can enter your exact address, zip code, or city to find a facility closest to you.
From there, the locator provides the address, phone number, website, services offered, and payments accepted of each facility.
Another way to find a rehab program is by searching for treatment centers in your state. Doing a quick search for meth rehab programs in (your state) can get you on the right track to starting your recovery.
Search for treatment in your state here.
Meth rehab can seem overwhelming, but there are countless treatment options, ways to prevent relapse, ways to afford treatment, and endless benefits to completing addiction rehab.
If you or someone you love is ready to take the next step in meth addiction recovery, call our helpline today.
You may be able to get free meth addiction treatment depending on several factors. Certain demographics such as people in difficult financial situations may be able to receive treatment for free or at a low cost.
Be sure to research treatment centers that may provide free services in your area.
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the best treatment for meth addiction is behavioral therapies such as CBT, DBT, and the Matrix Model.
The most common forms of treatment for meth dependence are medical detoxification and behavioral therapies. There are no medications approved to treat methamphetamine use disorder.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT).
Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT).
Journal of Psychoactive Drugs
Average Cost of Drug Rehab.
Methamphetamine Research Report.
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Meth Addiction: Signs and Effects of Meth Abuse