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Rehab Centers for People with Special Dietary Needs

Young man eating a mixed salad and drinking a cup of tea during addiction recovery treatment

Published: September 9, 2024

Reviewed by Matthew N. Parker, MD

Many people who enter a treatment center for substance abuse have special needs, which is why it is so important that drug and alcohol abuse rehab centers offer personalized care and individualized treatment plans. One of the main special needs that people often require while taking part in addiction treatment is accommodation of special dietary needs, such as requiring a vegan or gluten-free diet.

People with special dietary requirements must be able to find rehab centers that offer accommodations, as the comfort, well-being, and overall health of some patients may depend on it.

Understanding Special Dietary Needs in Rehab Centers

For treatment facilities that offer accommodations for special dietary needs, it is essential that patients understand their own needs and that staff members understand the importance of providing healthy meals in these situations.

Not only that, but they must have a good understanding of the role of nutrition in treating people who are recovering from substance use disorders.

Definition and Examples of Special Dietary Needs

Special dietary needs refers to specific adjustments that are made to a person’s diet in order to make it more healthy, safe, or appropriate for them. These changes are typically made because of situations like new medical conditions, allergies, religion, or life circumstances – such as going through addiction recovery treatment.

While there are dozens of different types of dietary needs and diets available today, they can usually be classified into a few categories based on the type of dietary need.

Examples of special dietary needs include:

  • Dietary needs based on allergies or intolerances, such as a gluten-free or dairy-free diet
  • Dietary needs based on medical conditions, such as a heart-healthy diet or a diet for people with cancer
  • Dietary needs based on personal preferences, such as veganism or vegetarianism
  • Dietary needs based on religious preferences, such as a kosher diet

Not every type of special diet or concern will be able to be accommodated within drug addiction rehab centers, but more and more of them can be catered to as addiction centers begin to provide more specialized and customized services.

Importance of Accommodating Dietary Needs in Addiction Recovery

People in addiction recovery with special dietary needs must be accommodated, as this may otherwise present a barrier that prevents them from seeking the treatment they need entirely. It can also help smooth out the recovery process by combating the effects of malnutrition and other health issues that are often present in people living with substance use disorders.

Common Special Dietary Needs

Many different types of special dietary needs exist today, such as diabetic diets, renal diets, and low-sodium diets, however, here are some of the most common that can be found and addressed the most easily.

Gluten-Free Diets: Needs and Challenges

Gluten-free diets can either be based on preference or based on a gluten allergy (celiac disease), which can result in severe and dangerous reactions when eating gluten, or “gluten sensitivity”, in which the patient experiences less severe, but nevertheless very unpleasant reactions when consuming gluten in their diet.

This type of diet is based on avoiding gluten, a protein that is found in grains like wheat, barley, and rye, and which is commonly found in foods that are heavy in carbohydrates.

This type of diet can be challenging as gluten is generally quite common, however, it can also be easy to avoid and manage gluten consumption by being aware and simply avoiding certain products or using versions of those products that are made without gluten.

Dairy-Free and Lactose Intolerance Accommodations

Dairy and lactose allergies are some of the most common food allergies that people can experience, so there tends to be a good amount of appropriate and healthy substitutes available.

Products that are often readily available for those who are on dairy-free or lactose-free diets are milk, cheeses, yogurts, ice creams, and other dairy products that have had lactose removed. It is extremely important to check labels in these cases and to distinguish between lactose-free and dairy-free, as some lactose-free products may still contain small amounts of dairy.

Vegetarian and Vegan Dietary Requirements

Vegetarian and vegan diets are generally based on a person’s personal preferences, either to avoid meat products in the case of vegetarianism or to avoid all animal products in the case of veganism.

Both of these diets come with a lot of health benefits, but they can also put people at risk of malnourishment since they lack the B12 and protein that would come from meat and may also be at risk for an excess of sodium.

Vegans, in particular, may be at risk since they also lack the calcium and vitamin D that they would get from dairy products naturally.

Specific Medical Diets

Some of the most important types of specialized diets are those that involve people with very specific medical conditions who need to avoid certain ingredients or eat more of certain ingredients.

Medical conditions that may require special diets include:

  • Heart disease – low-fat, low-cholesterol, low-sodium
  • Cancer – high-calorie, high-protein, low-fat, low-sugar, low-sodium
  • Crohn’s disease – low-fiber, low-residue
  • Hypoglycemia – low-fat, low-sugar, high-fiber
  • Diabetes – low-sugar, low-carb, low-fat
  • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) – low-carb, high-protein, gluten-free
  • Eating disorders – high-fat, high-carb, high-protein
  • Renal issues – low-sodium, low-potassium, low-protein

These are just a few examples of medical conditions that require special diets and nutritional plans, though there are many others.

The best course of action for people with medical conditions that require special diets is to always follow the medical advice of their physician or medical team.

Benefits of Catering to Special Dietary Needs in Rehab

While it is not always easy for alcohol and drug addiction treatment centers to offer specialized dietary services, there are great physical and mental wellness benefits in doing so.

Furthermore, because many people who enter rehab are in various states of malnourishment, providing people with healthy diets can help them to recover and heal faster, and be more comfortable overall throughout the process of recovery.

Physical Health Benefits

Healthy eating habits can have strong benefits for people physically, in how they look, how they feel, and what they are capable of doing with their bodies.

People who enter treatment for addiction are often underweight and lacking nutrients, so a healthy diet can help them immediately feel less fatigued and weak.

Physical health benefits include:

  • Relieves withdrawal symptoms and intense cravings
  • Improves immune system defenses and response
  • Improves energy levels
  • Protects against diseases and lowers chances of becoming ill
  • Improves nutrition in the long term

Mental Health Benefits

Proper nutrition can also present strong benefits to the brain and how people feel psychologically and cognitively.

This can help to reduce triggers and address co-occurring mental health conditions that are more likely to cause a person to self-medicate with drugs and face relapse.

Mental health benefits include:

  • Helps to stabilize mood swings
  • Better concentration, focus, alertness, and attention span
  • Reduces cortisol levels and reduces stress and anxiety levels
  • Can reduce symptoms of depression
  • Improve self-esteem and self-confidence

Increased Patient Satisfaction and Engagement

When patients feel that their unique needs have been addressed properly and adequately it can help them to feel more satisfied and engaged with their treatment and lead to better overall recovery outcomes.

It can also mean that patients with special dietary needs will be more likely to enter treatment in the first place, as well as stay in treatment and complete their program until the end.

Challenges of Meeting Special Dietary Needs

Meeting the special dietary needs of each patient is not without challenges, but high-quality rehab facilities should be prepared to manage any challenges that arise.

Identifying and Understanding Individual Dietary Requirements

Some people entering treatment may not be aware of their individual dietary requirements and may need assistance in identifying and understanding their nutritional needs. This is why it is so important to have people on staff who are specialized in these areas to help both patients and staff members understand and implement dietary needs accommodations.

Sourcing Appropriate Food Options

Sourcing the appropriate food options can also present a challenge in some rehab centers, as they may not have these options already on hand within the facility.

Because of this, rehab facilities that offer different food options should have relationships with local suppliers and be able to access these supplies whenever needed.

Training Kitchen Staff and Caregivers

Kitchen staff and caregivers should also possess special training, if possible, in different types of diets and nutritional concerns.

This is especially true when serving people with severe allergies, as serving a patient with an allergy the wrong food can be a life-threatening mistake.

Balancing Nutritional Needs With Food Preferences

There is not always a perfect balance between what a patient prefers and what will keep their nutrition needs balanced, especially if they are on a special diet for medical reasons.

Rehab centers can work to accommodate this by providing a wide variety of options so that both nutritional needs and preferences can be met simultaneously as well as possible.

Implementing Special Dietary Programs in Rehab Centers

Another big challenge that some rehab centers may face is in actually implementing the special dietary options that they promise to their participants.

Initial Assessment and Dietary Planning

The initial dietary assessment should take place before the patient enters treatment and should include a detailed review of their medical records, as well as a patient interview to learn more about their preferences, allergies, and special requirements.

In some cases, it can be helpful to involve family members or loved ones who may also have a good understanding of the patient’s eating habits and behaviors.

Collaboration With Nutritionists and Dietitians

Offering special dietary plans often involves collaboration with nutritionists and dietitians who understand the needs of individuals and how to translate these needs into personalized menu plans.

These medical professionals can also help patients understand what foods they need to avoid or what they should be eating more of to keep their diets healthy and balanced.

Customizing Meal Plans and Menus

Because individual nutritional needs can have so much variation, rehab centers should be prepared to work with each patient to provide customized meal plans and menus.

Within addiction treatment programs, meal plans and menus may also need to be customized based on the specific drug or substance that a patient has been using or is recovering from. For example, people with an opioid use disorder may be prone to certain side effects like constipation and may want a specialized menu that is high in fiber-rich foods.

Regular Monitoring and Adjustment of Diets

Specialized dietary plans should be monitored constantly, and adjustments should be made accordingly if something isn’t working or is causing discomfort.

Rehab facilities and staff members should be prepared to handle these changes, and patients should always keep a close eye on how they are feeling and any symptoms they are experiencing.

Finding the Right Rehab Center for Special Dietary Needs

Finding the right rehab center can be easier said than done, especially for people who have special dietary needs or other unique circumstances.

Key Factors to Consider When Choosing a Rehab Center

Any rehab center that you are interested in that offers special dietary considerations should also feature marks of high-quality care, such as:

  • The rehab center should have appropriate accreditations, certifications, and memberships in the field of addiction treatment.
  • The facility should be prepared to handle a variety of nutritional and dietary needs.
  • Staff members should have specialized training or education in serving people with varying nutritional needs.
  • The facility should offer evidence-based treatments, such as detox, medication-assisted treatment (MAT), and multiple types of therapy.
  • The addiction treatment center should be highly rated and have a positive reputation within the community.

Questions to Ask Prospective Rehab Programs

When visiting facilities in person, it can also be a good idea to write down any questions that you have in advance so that you are prepared when speaking to staff. Appropriate questions to ask include:

  • What special diets are you able to accommodate?
  • How many meals do you offer during residential treatment per day?
  • Do you offer any forms of medical detox?
  • Is your program inpatient or outpatient, or do you offer both?
  • Do you offer onsite nutrition counselors or dieticians?
  • Are you prepared to handle severe food allergies at this facility?
  • Do you accept health insurance, and if so, what types of insurance?
  • Do you offer financial assistance to help pay for rehab?

Importance of Visiting the Facility and Meeting With Staff

It is always crucial to visit any rehab facility that you are interested in and meet with staff members from various levels and departments.

Not only does this ensure you can have all of your questions and concerns addressed, but also gives you a chance to scope out the environment to ensure that it is clean, safe, and comfortable.

What to Expect from a Rehab Center with Special Dietary Accommodations

While in treatment for drug or alcohol addiction, patients with special dietary needs can expect that certain accommodations will be made for them, as long as the rehab center allows for it.

Typical Daily Routines and Meal Schedules

Patients in a rehab facility for people with special dietary needs can typically expect that they will have meal schedules and a routine, which may include up to three meals per day as well as beverages and snacks.

This will vary from center to center and is also based on the level of care, but patients should know what they can expect daily and not have to run into any surprises.

Support Services Available

Some alcohol and drug abuse rehab centers will also provide additional support services to educate people with special dietary needs and help them maintain a balanced diet after their treatment is over.

This can include things like nutritional counseling and cooking classes to teach valuable tools that are useful both in and out of the recovery center.

How Dietary Needs Are Integrated Into Overall Treatment Plans

Dietary needs are often integrated into overall treatment plans through a collaborative effort between the patient and their addiction treatment team, which should include nutrition specialists or dieticians.

Together, a patient and their dietician will come up with a menu based on what is available, what is preferable, and what is healthy for the patient due to their dietary needs.

Finding a Rehab Center for People with Special Dietary Needs

No matter what type of special dietary needs or other requirements you have before entering a treatment program, we are here to help you find it at

With our assistance, you can find a rehab center nearby that is accommodating to your needs and puts patient care and comfort above all else.

To learn about how we can help, or for more information on the importance of diet and nutrition while participating in a recovery program, contact us today.

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